Everybody's talking about the "Zombie Apocalypse," and even those in fine dining are having a laugh with it. Take Maynard James Keenan for example. To the public eye, he's the frontman for the rock bands Tool and A Perfect Circle. In his off time, he's a winery owner -- and today he answers the age-old undead question: What wine goes best with human flesh? BLOG POSTS | Scott Hobbs: Rocket Man Sixty years ago on June 17, 1952, a brilliant young rocket scientist and occultist was killed in an explosion in Pasadena of origins that remain mysterious to this day. | | Stacey Graham: Famous Authors' Zombie Tarot Card Readings I decided it's time to find out who has the guts and who left them to be munched on by Hell's Handmaidens through a simple tarot spread. Buckle up, Buttercup, it's go time for the authors of the 19th century. | | Seth Shostak: Extraterrestrial Habitats: Yet More Good News Despite any inclination to believe yourself among the brightest bulbs around, new research indicates that even when the universe was considerably younger, there were heavy elements enough to spawn planets that could... spawn life. | | David Macaray: Have We Lost Our Minds? Which is the wiser, more reasonable, and, ultimately, more effective decision-maker? Manager A, who does his or her best to consider all the relevant facts, including any mitigating circumstances? Or Manager B, who adheres to a rigid "zero-tolerance" policy? | | Shaahin Cheyene: Hypnosis Using Language: A Simple "How To" Guide Every word you use and how you use it creates a picture in the the mind. It may create a powerful emotional state. Your words shape not only your reality but the reality of all those you influence daily. | | MOST POPULAR ON HUFFINGTONPOST.COM |
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