Friday, June 15, 2012

5th Grader's Banned Gay Marriage Speech, Oldest Trans Peson In China And More

Friday, June 15, 2012
A New York City-based fifth grader's pro-gay marriage speech will never be heard by his classmates after his school's principal deemed it inappropriate.
Qian Jinfan, China's Oldest Transgender Woman, 'Outs' Herself In Advocacy Bid
General Mills Speaks Out Against Minnesota's Proposed Gay Marriage Ban
Carmen Carrera Discusses 'Cake Boss' Controversy, RuPaul And Her Transition
Leon Panetta, Secretary Of Defense, Salutes Gays In The Military
Lesbian And Bisexual Woman More Likely To Encounter Child Abuse And Sexual Assault, Study Finds
Jane and Bob: Why -- And How -- We Accept Our Gay Son As Devout Mormon Parents
As a faithful LDS/Mormon family, we expected our son Will to follow a certain path. He would grow up, get married, start a family, and be a faithful and active member of the church. But for our family, a different story began around the time our son Will turned 2.
Larry Womack: Deep in the Heart of Texas (There Are Gay People, and They Are Looking at Porn)
When we refine our search by city limits, Los Angeles proper still tops the list. So it seems that every gossip columnist ever was right: Los Angeles is the gayest, most closeted city in America. Or maybe just the most porn hungry? Either way, a suspicion is confirmed.
Sharon Shattuck: 'Supor Dad'
He cared for me and my sister every day while my mom was at work. He encouraged us to be assertive and fearless tree climbers and communicators. And he taught us to be open-minded and accepting of others, because Dad was also transgender.
Alvin McEwen: National Organization for Marriage Hiding Ties to 'Objective' Anti-Gay Parenting Study
One would think that for the sake of disclosure, NOM could have mentioned that its founder and chairman emeritus had a huge hand in not only the study's funding, but possibly also its publicity.
William Lucas Walker: Spilled Milk: Evolving Door
Two dads means Father's Day is always a double-header at our house. This year it's an even bigger deal because it falls on June 17, the anniversary of our wedding four years ago.

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