BLOG POSTS | John Corso: Patti Smith, Polaroids & Post-Mortems Volumes have been written about photography's connections to death. Intuitively aware of this relationship, Patti Smith's first major American museum exhibition at the Detroit Institute of Arts feels decidedly funereal. | | Vince Carducci: Specters of the Cass Corridor A new practice has emerged in Detroit that builds upon the tradition of Detroit-style expressionism. It seeks to imagine community through aesthetic means. I have termed this tendency the "art of the commons." | | Michael R. Bloomberg: The Mayors Challenge Cities are uniquely positioned to solve our country's greatest challenges. The Mayors Challenge will award $9 million to five cities that come up with bold ideas for solving major problems and improving city life. | | Ashley C. Woods: Radiohead: Close Encounters of the Third Kind Thirty minutes into Radiohead's two-hour-plus set, the British band's first Detroit performance since 1997, it hit me: for 15 years, I've been listening to the wrong bands. Radiohead has few, if any peers in a live setting. | | Imani Mixon: The New Detroit As a native Detroiter, being back in the city for the summer reminds me that the city is entering a peculiar era as a new group of Detroiters move in while many lifelong city dwellers seek lives elsewhere, oftentimes due to uncontrollable situations. | | MOST POPULAR ON HUFFINGTONPOST.COM |
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