1. Tell her she's pretty, but tell her other good things about herself more. It's not that telling a girl she's pretty is bad. It's not. The point is that it shouldn't be the only kind of compliment she gets, so she doesn't feel that only her appearance matters. Compliment her intelligence, her resourcefulness, her imagination, her hard work, and her strength. Don't pretend that her looks will never matter, but teach her not to judge herself or let herself be judged only on looks. 2. Teach her that handymen don't have to be men. Checklist of things to teach her: routine car maintenance, how to stop a toilet from overflowing, how to set a mousetrap, how to use the fuse box, how to turn off the water main. (Marcus's note to self -- learn to maintain car, fix a toilet, use the fuse box, and find the water main.) There's nothing wrong with needing help to get things done, but self-reliance and confidence are handy if you need to change a tire, fix a toilet, or even squish a bug without needing a rescuer to do it for you. For the full story, click here. BLOG POSTS
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