Monday, May 7, 2012

Sarkozy Out.. Markets Drop.. Economy Hits The Brakes

Monday, May 7, 2012
Call it the brotherhood of the travelling bike. For many Canadian bikers the storied journey of the Harley-Davidson bike from Japan to B.C.'s rocky shores after last years' tsunami will not be complete until it is reunited with its original owner.
Canada's Economy Hits The Brakes
Au Revoir, Sarkozy!
Biden: I'm 'Comfortable' With Gay Marriage
Angry Greek Voters Support Anti-Bailout Groups
Closing Arguments Today
Michael Coren: Anti-Christianity: The Last Acceptable Prejudice
The examples of anti-Christian behaviour are legion. In the west it takes the form of ejection from the public square and the workplace, legal restrictions, mockery, and abuse. In the developing and Islamic world it is far more serious: persecution, arrest, torture, murder. My latest book about Christianity, Heresy, is in the forgiving business. But forgiveness does not mean forgetting the truth. We have to be resolute in what is and what isn't, which is why I've taken on the most frequent arguments used against followers of Christ.
Anne Sinclair: Good Luck, Mr. President!
There we go, it's done. The French wanted change. Nicolas Sarkozy has lost his bid for re-election. On Monday, we'll start evaluating the downfall of the outgoing president, who went from being a popular candidate in 2007 to a president quickly pushed aside by his fellow citizens. His presidency was marked by a strong exercise of power, which was neither humble nor quiet, and by a ferocious energy, a determination that made him continue to fight in the past two weeks, even with his back up against the wall. But tradition dictates that for now we celebrate the winner, Francois Hollande -- the person whose victory few would have expected two years ago, who some even doubted could do the job. He did it.
Mohamed A. El-Erian: European Elections Complicate Outlook
Europe's election results sound an alarm for European integration and, consequently, the wellbeing of both the region and the global economy. Let us hope that the inevitable short-term volatility is a precursor to a more decisive effort to deal with the continent's festering problems.
Pauline Millard: The Beastie Boys Were the Original Hipsters
With Yauch's passing, it really is the end of an era. New York City is a very different place than it was when the Beasties were coming up in the game, and music and art can't move forward when the artists themselves are in many ways trying to recreate the past.
Danielle Crittenden: The Week That Was: Conrad Libre!
Over the past eight months, I have had the pleasure of being one of Conrad Black's editors. His blogs have arrived weekly from prison like clockwork. Often I wondered how he wrote these from prison. I don't just mean the mechanics (because those were obviously an issue: How do you get access to a computer? Do you have Internet?). But how did he manage to keep up on everything? Reading his highly informed and topical blogs you would never know this was a man almost entirely cut off from the information sources we take for granted. Here's the bottom line: The key to Conrad's survival has been his mind.

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