Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Los Angeles, The Future Has Arrived

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
The future has arrived.

California state senators have voted 37-0 in support of a bill that would allow self-driving vehicles on California streets and highways as long as a licensed driver is aboard, CBS reports.

Self-driving cars, which were pioneered by Google's autonomous Prius in 2010, are designed to be safer than human-driven vehicles.
Suspects In Giants Fan Beating Face Federal Charges
Ben Affleck & Matt Damon Rake In Big Bucks For This Politician
PHOTOS: It's Dog Vacation Season
What Would YOU Trade Pau Gasol For?
WATCH: The Magical, Automatic Beer Machine
Bill Bush: Something New, Captivating and Disquieting: This Artweek.LA (May 21, 2012)
Kerry Kennedy: Ode to My Best Friend -- Mary Richardson Kennedy
Let's not remember Mary for her despair, but let's take inspiration from her determination to heal the woundedness in herself and in those she loved.
Josh Sugarmann: Gun Deaths Exceed Motor Vehicle Deaths in 10 States
Each day, how many motor vehicles do you see or actually use? You probably couldn't keep track. Now, how about guns. How many do you see or actually use during the same period? For most people, not that many. If any at all. And yet, in 10 states gun deaths actually outpace motor vehicle deaths.
Chris Weigant: California's Ballot Experiment
This election will be different for Californians in a major way, because when the general election rolls around in November, there will likely be no third parties on the ballot for voters to choose from. The reason is that California is in the midst of a political science experiment.
Van Jones: More Solar, Not Less
Central to the move towards localized clean energy is a little-known policy called "net metering." Today, there are over 100,000 rooftop solar energy systems in California and net metering is the policy responsible for 99% of them.

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