Thursday, May 10, 2012

HuffPost Science: Black Holes; Solar Eclipse; Super Earth Discovery

Thursday, May 10, 2012

The intense energy and winds from gigantic black holes can block the birth of stars as scientists have long suspected, a new analysis of distant galaxies reveals. Click the link above to learn more.

Solar Eclipse 2012: When And Where To See It Best
Historic Super Earth Discovery Has Scientists Beaming
Scientists Get Big Surprise About Planet's Sand Dunes
Island's Peculiar Plan To Kill Out-Of-Control Species
Matthew Hutson: Can Emotions Haunt Houses?
In the 1990s Trent Reznor purchased the house where Charles Manson's "family" had murdered Sharon Tate. The house felt "sad," he's said. Last October a paper was published suggesting that we all have a tendency to believe that emotions leave a trace in the physical environment.
David H. Bailey: 2001: A Space Odyssey: Art vs. 2012 Reality
What is missing is a sales pitch -- like the arms race but ideally less grim -- that made possible the Apollo program. Time will tell when and how the 2001 vision will be realized, and if it will be human or robotic. In the meantime, we all can dream.
Madeline Schwartzman: Harness Up That Snail and Let's Make Energy: It's Time to Feed the Table
James Auger and Jimmy Loizeau created five pieces of furniture, each equipped with a microbial fuel cell that converts chemical energy into electrical energy when bacteria are fed organic matter. Articles and blog posts about this project express repulsion at the idea of flesh-eating robots.
Richard Garriott de Cayeux: The Legacy of the Space Shuttle
The Space Shuttle has been the most successful space launch system ever by far. In 30 years we launched the Space Shuttle 135 times. Today more than half of the just over 500 people who have ever orbited the earth, have done so aboard one of the five space shuttles.
Allen Frances: Newsflash from APA Meeting: DSM-5 Has Flunked Its Reliability Tests
Reliability this low for so many diagnoses gravely undermines the credibility of DSM-5 as a basis for administrative coding, treatment selection, and clinical research. What can be done to salvage this deplorable mess?

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