Friday, May 11, 2012

Hidden Unemployed.. Slave Labour.. Vacation Time Ripoff.. JPMorgan's Bad Day

Friday, May 11, 2012
When it comes to taking stock of unemployment, the headline number is only part of the story. In addition to the 1.3 million people that are now counted among Canada's unemployed, by any estimate there are tens of thousands more who aren't identified as jobless, despite the fact that, for all other intents and purposes, that is precisely what they are.
JPMorgan Chase Admits Big Losses On 'Egregious' Credit Trades
Canadians Have Least Holidays Of Any Developed Country: Survey
Globe And Mail To Charge Readers For Online Content
The Cellphone Carriers Canadians Like The Most -- And Least
Here Are Over One Hundred Products Made From Child Or Slave Labor (GRAPHIC)
David Gebler: Seven Ways to Tell If You're Working for a Ticking Time Bomb
CEOs need to realize that highly desirable employee behaviour can become distorted and even destructive in a company driven by leaders with ulterior motives. Here are seven sure-fire signs that you might be working for a company on the brink of catastrophe.
Rana Florida: Your Start-Up Life: When Is it Time to Fire Someone?
I have two key employees who have been with me for three years, both performing at a C+. I'd love to replace them, but they are both crucial positions and I just don't have the time to search for and train replacements. Should I fire them and suffer trying to find someone better or do I keep jogging along at a C average?
Jeffrey Rubin: Without Growth, There's Only One Ending to Euro Debt Crisis
What Europe's voters and its central bank are coming to recognize is that unremitting fiscal austerity measures are the wrong prescription for what ails the European economy -- they're actually exacerbating the continent's economic problems.
Sean X: The Mobile Signature: 'Please excsue typoo's'
I am a communication purist, in that I believe the most important aspect of communication is understanding by the recipient, not precision in its delivery. However, you must ask yourself. How does a signature line serve me? It too is to provide communication. So be careful.
Judy Farah: Do You Have a Work Spouse? Why They May Be Good, and Maybe Not So Good for You
Yes, truth and trust. I have a male work friend who is the only one I trust to edit my blogs. Everyone else just tells me they're good. I trust this guy to tell me exactly where the faults are -- in my blog or in me.

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