Wednesday, May 16, 2012

'Bikeability' In Canada.. Belly Fat Truly Terrible.. Should Brides Drinking Beer?

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
If you love riding around on two wheels, there are certain cities in Canada that are better suited for you than others -- and some you want to avoid altogether.
Belly Fat: Worse For You Than You Think
Alzheimer's Disease: 7 Habits That Could Lower Your Risk
Top Cheating Neighbourhoods In Toronto, Calgary And Vancouver
1 In 10 Adults May Have Diabetes By 2030
Do You Think It's Wrong For A Bride To Drink Beer?
Susan Inman: When the Mental Health System Doesn't Work
A mentally ill young woman, who thrived on medication and crumbled without, lobbied to be removed from mandatory treatment -- she didn't like being medicated. Her parents were very surprised when they learned that, after a year of stability, her community mental health team had decided, without consulting them, to release their daughter from mandatory treatment.
Mark Bertin, M.D.: ADHD Goes to School
If every child with asthma had a 66% chance of having kidney disease, we'd likely screen them for kidney disease. Yet, once ADHD is identified, further educational testing is often put to the side.
The Fat Diaries: Week 15: When the #$%^ to Fit in a Workout?!
I've decided to make a bold move. I blotted out two hours from my schedule in the middle of the day. I set Outlook for "Out of Office" during these chunks of time and it took about two weeks for everyone who needs to schedule time with me to settle and react. Today I remembered to bring a comb. It's the little things you need to plan for.
Natasha Koifman: Stand by Your Brand
There's always been a fine line in branding between flattery and imitation. No doubt store brands tread on the right side of the law. But just because they're not doing something illegal does not mean that they're completely transparent. This is the approach I find less clear-cut: when the store brand's packaging looks a little too similar to the product it's "inspired" by.
Heather Pilatic: Bee Kills in the Corn Belt: What's GE Got to Do With It?
In the last few weeks beekeepers have reported staggering losses in Minnesota, Nebraska and Ohio after their hives foraged on pesticide-treated corn fields. Indiana too, two years ago. What's going on in the Corn Belt?

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