Tuesday, May 22, 2012

Anatomy Of 'Flop' | How High Or Low Can You Go? | The Sounds Of Twitter

Tuesday, May 22, 2012
It's a word that is thrown about with abandon. "Flop." It is synonymous with failure and it's one of those words that sounds like what it means: short, blunt, unimpressive; the sound of a leaden landing or even the puncturing of expectation.
Major Women's Prize Loses Its Main Sponsor
A Live Soundtrack Of People's Thoughts On Twitter
'The Blade': Soon To Be Iconic In Korea
How To Save A Choker, According To Sigur Ros
How High Or Low Can You Go?
Russell C. Smith: Happy Birthday Bob Dylan: America's Musical Master of Reinvention
What Bob Dylan possessed that no other musical artist of his generation had was the innate ability to continually reinvent himself.
E. Nina Rothe: The Intouchables and Its Filmmakers: Subversive, Exceptional and Unapologetically Real
The real magic of the movies lies in the filmmakers' ability to transport their audiences to places they have never been and wish they could inhabit. Such is the case with the upcoming release of The Intouchables.
Carmel Dean: Project: Song Blog #2: Here a Captive Heart
There's a "sweet spot" in a singers voice where, as a composer, you want your song to sit. It is where they will be able to hit their highest, strongest note (the "money note") and thrill the audience, and still not have their lower notes compromised.
Paul Ratner: Hanging on to America
Whenever I'm in one of its in-between spaces, I feel the fragility of the American ideal. The ideal, not the cynicism, is why we came here. The America of the middle is worth hanging on to with everything we've got.
Lorraine Devon Wilke: Lisa Gizara: The Woman Behind the Art Behind the Mad Men
When Mad Men's set decorator needed paintings with the specific panache to match Roger's sly and savvy personality, she turned to the collection of photographer and painter Lisa Gizara.

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