Friday, June 15, 2012

Most Dangerous Cities.. Snyder Announces Bridge.. What 'Pisses Off' Mayor Bing

Friday, June 15, 2012
The Port Huron Statement, a pivotal document that gave force and focus to the student movement of the 1960s and helped spark a reinvention of the American Left, turns 50 this week.

Although younger film buffs may know it best from a reference in the "The Big Lebowski," students of politics remember the 25,000-word Students for a Democratic Society (SDS) manifesto for its articulation of a vision of participatory democracy during an era when Cold War conformity ruled of the day.

Alan Haber, of Ann Arbor, Mich. is one of the original architects of the documents. He's celebrating its anniversary this week in a manner very much in stride with its original intention. He's organizing a participatory conference, which he's calling "an invitation to think together," to help create a Port Huron Statement for the 21st Century.
Guess Where Detroit Falls On The 'Most Dangerous Cities' List
Bing: THAT's What Pisses Me Off
Snyder To Announce Plan For New Bridge
'Temper Tantrum' During Abortion Debate Silences Two Woman Lawmakers
Emergency Manager Petitions Headed For Ballot.. For Now
Michael Komorn: Unanimous Michigan Supreme Court Decision Upholds Voters' Intent of Medical Marijuana Law
While the Michigan Supreme Court unanimously agreed to protect medical marijuana patients, preserving the intent of the Michigan Medical Marijuana Act, the medical marijuana registry must remain confidential in order for the MMMA to work.
Neil Greenberg: My Wish List for Detroit Transit
I wish officials in Detroit acknowledged that transit requires public investment and conversations should involve the public. I wish we had more realistic expectations for M-1 Rail and that we stopped waiting for the proposed RTA to solve all our problems.
Gov. Jennifer M. Granholm: You Go, Sisters! Nuns Speak Truth to Power
2012-06-14-nuns.JPG Today I'm not worrying. I'm not fretting. Today I'm joyous -- because the nuns are here. Nuns to the rescue!
Rep. Jackie Speier: Make It In America Once Again
How much of what we own was made in our country? Inventory your clothes, TV, kitchen appliances and cell phone: chances are most items were not made here. But if we make things in America once again, American families will make it, too.
Gary A. Brown: Comprehensive Veterans Hiring Handbook Available for Detroit and All Michigan-Based Employers
Military veterans offer employers the work ethic and unique training that may take your business to the next level. Through recent federal and state legislation there are also dollars attached to hiring veterans.

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