Friday, June 15, 2012

Is your dad as awkward as these fathers?

Friday, June 15, 2012
It's Father's Day this Sunday - and to celebrate, we've rounded up some of the funniest, silliest and most awkward dad photos you've ever seen. Trust us: they're hilariously bad.

Click on the image above to see the photos -
and click on the links below for more great comedy

25 Hilarious Videos All Under 20 Seconds
The Funniest Tweets Of The Week
You Caption The Duchess Of Cambridge
David Mitchell Returns To His Soapbox
This Week's Top 10 Funny Viral Videos
Lucy Robinson: Ten things That English People Do During a Football Championship
The following is designed for use as a guide for any non-English people who are in England at the current time.
Robin Lee: An Open Letter Regarding Dilettantes, the Bengal Tiger and Gay Marriage
Is it just me or is anyone else fed up of being mithered, either about gay marriage, or by obnoxious chuggers?
Christopher Rosen: 'That's My Boy': Adam Sandler's 'Midnight In Paris'?
Adam Sandler's back in theaters with "That's My Boy," a bit of dirty R-rated comedy that would rank with "Happy Gilmore" and "Billy Madison" if you were still 17 years old.
Taylor Glenn: Riding in Cars with Boys
I will say this: feminism, especially feminism on the comedy circuit, is in a weird place right now. From my experiences the past few years doing stand up, I've learnt that if you're a woman on the circuit you're expected to feel a certain way about certain issues, shun certain organisations, promoters and publications, and conversely, embrace others.
Joe Lycett: The Church of England is a Drunk Bloke in a Wetherspoon
When I was at school I was occasionally picked on by kids for 'acting gay' or being camp. I developed a line in riposte which was 'don't bend over then'. I was clearly an amazing child. A couple of weeks ago I saw one of those kids drinking a pint of lager in a Wetherspoons at 11am. And he was wearing a fleece. I realised, in that moment, that I totally win.

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