
Thursday, June 14, 2012

Is The New MacBook Pro Right For You?

Thursday, June 14, 2012
The first reviews of Apple's new Retina MacBook Pro are trickling in, and nearly every reviewer reaches the same conclusion at the end of his or her piece:

The MacBook Pro is one of the best notebooks ever made, its appeal is limited only by its relatively high price.
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Kara Miller: University of Infotainment
Though professors at four-year colleges don't want to think about it, an innovative solution to the high price of college is coming. The only real question is what College 2.0 will look like.
Larry Magid: Verizon's New Plans: Good for Gabby Families and Bad for Data Hungry Singles
The good news is that you can now share buckets of data across devices and there are no limits on voice calls and text messages. The bad news is that it's likely to cost more for people with only a single device.
Art Brodsky: Figuring Out Who Your Friends Are On SOPA and PIPA
While entertainment leaders are great at talking about their studies "proving" losses from piracy, they ignore other research showing that downloaders also buy the most music and other content.
Mark Pfeifle: Changing the Face(book) of Social Activism
While true that "slacktavism," online bullying, and unprecedented threats to our privacy are challenges, few could argue that social media has not vastly facilitated political involvement. The results have been impressive, if not always as dramatic as the Arab Spring.
Michael Hinshaw: Dear LinkedIn (and Facebook and Google): It's My Life. Isn't It My Data?
The era of Big Data is upon us. Unfortunately, it's marked by Big Screw Ups -- like LinkedIn's.

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