By Paul Blumenthal
"Limitless." That's how Forbes describes the potential spending of Sheldon Adelson, the billionaire casino magnate who has become the face of unlimited election spending post-Citizens United.
Former Sen. Russ Feingold outlines his argument against the Citizens United ruling in the Stanford Law Review.
Lawmakers-turned-lobbyists are using their leftover campaign funds to make contributions to current lawmakers who often sit on committees that have jurisdiction over the lobbyist's clients, WaPo reports.
David Koch will raise money for Mitt Romney in the Hamptons.
Laurence Tribe writes in Slate to lay out his version of a constitutional amendment to address money in politics.
Tony Corrado writes in a New York Times Room for Debate conversation about the 40th anniversary of Watergate that the campaign finance system built up in response to the abuses revealed by the scandal has largely eroded.
Help us populate our list of campaign videos. Send any notable TV, radio or web ads that you see to Fundrace. Send your submissions to
Committee: Mitt Romney for President
Candidate Opposed: Barack Obama
Spot: "Doing Fine?"
Market: Unknown.
Buy: Undisclosed.
Committee: Priorities USA Action
Candidate Opposed: Mitt Romney
Spot: "Overseas"
Market: Unknown.
Buy: Undisclosed.
Committee: Republican National Committee
Candidate Opposed: Barack Obama
Spot: "Mulligan"
Market: Unknown.
Buy: Undisclosed.
Committee: American Future Fund
Candidate Opposed: Barack Obama
Spot: "Speeches"
Market: Unknown.
Buy: Undisclosed.
Committee: Mitt Romney for President
Spot: "Raise The Flag"
Market: YouTube.
Buy: None. Just a web video.
Committee: Barack Obama for President
Candidate Opposed: Mitt Romney
Spot: "Stephanie Cutter: Mitt Romney Blatantly Distorting the President's Record"
Market: YouTube.
Buy: None. Just a web video.
Committee: Mitt Romney for President
Candidate Opposed: Barack Obama
Spot: "Looks Like A One-Term Proposition"
Market: Unknown.
Buy: Undisclosed.
Committee: Joe Donnelly for Senate
Candidate Opposed: Richard Mourdock
Spot: "Inflict"
Market: Indiana.
Buy: Undisclosed.
Committee: Patriot Majority USA
Candidate Opposed: Dean Heller
Spot: "Jimmie and Dexter"
Market: Nevada.
Buy: ~$180,825.
Committee: National Republican Senatorial Committee
Candidate Opposed: Joe Donnelly
Spot: "Joe Donnelly: Stop Running From Your Record"
Market: Indiana.
Buy: Undisclosed.
These numbers represent spending by independent groups, like super PACs and non-profits, to support or oppose a particular candidate in 2012. Fundrace will update this spending daily to help show which candidates are gaining from the proliferation of independent groups in this coming election.
Presidential Race:
Mitt Romney (R), $7,327,516 to support, $16,488,271 to oppose. (Oppose: +$393,357)
Barack Obama (D), $509,622 to support, $1,659,846 to oppose. (Oppose: +$13,799)
Most Outside Spending for Congressional Candidates:
TX-Senate: Ted Cruz (R), $838,270 to support, $2,301,676 to oppose.
TX-Senate: David Dewhurst (R), $501,126 to support, $2,481,715 to oppose.
IN-Senate: Richard Mourdock (R), $1,442,961 to support, $634,899 to oppose.
IN-Senate: Dick Lugar (R), $208,628 to support, $1,671,841 to oppose.
OR-01: Rob Cornilles (R), $98,051 to support, $1,219,148 to oppose.
Defenders of Wildlife Action Committee, $261,459 to oppose Heather Wilson for Senate in New Mexico.
Majority PAC, $67,243 to oppose Rick Berg for Senate in North Dakota.
National Right to Life Victory Fund, $13,369 to oppose Barack Obama for President.
Priorities USA Action, $393,357 to oppose Mitt Romney for President.
Texas Conservatives Fund, $24,144 to oppose Ted Cruz for Senate in Texas.
American Action Network, $4,175 to support Jesse Kelly for Congress in Arizona's 8th District.
American Crossroads, $179,736 to oppose Shelley Berkley for Senate in Nevada.
American Crossroads, $370,449 to oppose Tim Kaine for Senate in Virginia.
American Crossroads, $139,783 to oppose Bob Kerrey for Senate in Nebraska.
American Crossroads, $118,593 to support Heather Wilson for Senate in New Mexico.
Patriot Majority USA, $180,825 to oppose Dean Heller for Senate in Nevada.
Campaign for Primary Accountability, $616 to oppose Charles Rangel for Congress in New York's 13th District.
Coastal Securities Inc Federal PAC, Houston, Texas, Treasurer: Brian Folk.
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