
Friday, June 15, 2012

Friday's Daily Brief: White House Stops Deportations, Pentagon Gay Pride, Yemen Fighting, Plus Ricky Gervais, Marlo Thomas, Russell Simmons

Friday, June 15, 2012
'Moneyball' Genius Calculates How Outspent Campaigns Can Beat Rich Rivals
Pentagon Planning Milestone Event For Gay Troops
Yemen Clashes Kill 40 Al-Qaeda Fighters
U.S. Lawsuit Attacks Florida's Process, Not Principle, To Stop Voter Purge
Federal Settlement Fails To Stop Violence At For-Profit Mississippi Youth Prison
Marlo Thomas: Gloria Steinem: The Original Ms.
When I first met Gloria Steinem more than 40 years ago, the world was a different place. The women's movement was just beginning, and so Gloria became not only my new friend, but also my touchstone on the many issues that confronted us on the front lines of feminism. We did a lot of talking and reading back then, Gloria and me, but she took it one step further in 1972, co-founding Ms. Magazine, which would ultimately become -- and remain -- the bible of the women's movement.
Ricky Gervais: Out With the Old, In With the New
First the bad news... I don't think I'm going to do a fourth series of The Ricky Gervais Show. 39 episodes is more than I've ever done for any other project (Yes. I know that's pathetic but trust me.) and I don't want to push my luck.
Russell Simmons: So a Rabbi and a Hip-Hop Mogul Go to Israel...
This coming Sunday, Father's Day, is a day that reminds us of our responsibility as men to stand up and model for our children the right path to follow. Next week, I am taking my first trip to Israel with my partner Rabbi Marc Schneier to promote Muslim and Jewish reconciliation.
Steve Novak: There's More to Those Jumpshots Than Three Points
While I may be known as Novakaine, "the Wisconsin native sharpshooter," I have learned that there is a greater responsibility that we are given than making sure the ball finds its way into the basket.
Menachem Rosensaft: Kissinger and Human Rights: An "Indifferent, Callous, and Perhaps Even Hostile" Record
Two 20th century Secretaries of State, Henry Kissinger and Cordell Hull, both of whom were awarded the Nobel Peace Prize, belong in the category of stewards of American foreign policy who did not make the safeguarding of human rights a priority.
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