Friday, June 15, 2012

ATM Spits Out Millions, Social Media To Affect Your Financial Future, World's Richest Dads And More

Friday, June 15, 2012
Forget the euro crisis. There's another credit storm brewing in Germany that hits much closer to the heart. It's on Twitter and Facebook.

Last week, Germany's wired population and business press freaked out when a broadcast news agency revealed confidential documents that showed that the country's largest credit agency, SCHUFA, plans to scrape data from social media sites like Facebook, Twitter and LinkedIn to determine an individual's risk to lenders and ability to pay bills, according to Der Spiegel.
Buying A House Is Still As Expensive As It Was During Housing Boom
How Health Care Repeal Would Put This 4-Year-Old At Risk
Private Student Loan Debt Is Ruining People's Lives
The World's Richest Dads
ATM Spits Out Unlimited Cash, Man Gambles It All Away
Bruce Judson: The Coming Train Wreck
If Congress does not act, we will almost inevitably see a further collapse in the housing market, with a ripple effect that has the potential to destroy vital consumer confidence, stop any economic recovery or even cause an economic catastrophe.
Faatima Evans: How To Start Couponing
Last week I told you why I'm addicted to couponing, this week I will give you six tips on how to get started.
Richard (RJ) Eskow: Dimon, Simpson, Geithner: This Week's Three Horsemen of the Corporate-Politics Apocalypse
This year it's going to be incumbent on the Democratic Party to prove that it's something more than the oligarchy's more genteel rubber stamp. And it's not going to be able to do that unless it rejects the wildly unpopular and unfair Simpson-Bowles plan.
Jeff Selingo: Struggling to Launch
How much responsibility do colleges bear in helping launch the careers of their new graduates?Until recently, not much. Now, prospective students and their parents are increasingly weighing the value of the degree against its cost.
Bob Williams: Reforming Unions
If reform is not implemented for unions around the nation, then bankruptcy will occur. America cannot afford to maintain the status quo while government pensions drag state budgets further into the red.

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