
Thursday, June 14, 2012

30 Best LGBT Anthems, Apple's First Gay Emoticons And More

Thursday, June 14, 2012
For many of us, nothing quite says Gay Pride Month like sparkling sequins, a twirling disco ball and a triumphant diva(s) with glass-shattering pipes.

Of course, those elements may not appear in each of the 30 songs to make our list of best gay anthems ever, but we like to think of them as recurring themes. But what is it, exactly, that makes an unforgettable gay anthem?
Apple iOS 6 'Emojis' Will Include Gay And Lesbian Emoticons
Gay Pride 2012: Send HuffPost Gay Voices Photos Of Your Celebration
Sharon Needles, 'RuPaul's Drag Race' Winner, Honored By Pittsburgh City Council
IGLA Releases 2012 Report On Gay And Lesbian Rights Worldwide (IMAGES)
Abercrombie Models' 'Call Me Maybe' Might Be Our Favorite Ever (VIDEO)
Jamie McGonnigal: Anti-Gay Craigslist Ad a Hoax
It seems a young man named Daryl has been up to no good. I've now confirmed Daryl is who he says he is, and I think he's been significantly frightened away from pulling this kind of thing again. And, finally, he asked me to tell you all this.
Stephen L. Betts: 'Hollywood to Dollywood'
Hollywood to Dollywood follows the efforts of North Carolina natives Gary and Larry Lane to get a screenplay they've written into Dolly's hands, having penned a part in the story specifically with her in mind.
Melissa Carter: EXXXcuse My Porn
Needless to say when I came across the forgotten handcuffs, edible sets of underwear, plugs, and stimulating gels, I knew I was not about to personally hand that over to a charity.
Domenick Scudera: Gays, God, and Theater
Neil Patrick Harris asked in his Tony opening number, "What if life were more like theater?" Well, one answer to that question is that, if life were more like theater, gays and religion would coexist in harmony. Kristin Chenoweth, the brilliantly talented Broadway star, exemplifies this idea.
Dr. Frank Spinelli: Boy Scouts' Gay Ban Breeds Intolerance
For the BSA to refuse to take a stand against anti-gay bullying of scouts and instead insinuate that banning gay people from serving as leaders will protect boys from being molested is ridiculous. To equate gay people with child molesters is scientifically and culturally inaccurate.

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