
Thursday, April 12, 2012

WATCH: Teen Tied Down And Shocked 31 Times (GRAPHIC)

Thursday, April 12, 2012
A jury in Dedham, Mass., saw video this week of an 18-year-old being tied down and shocked 31 times as he screamed in pain.

WARNING: The video below is not suitable for everyone.
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Brian Levin, J.D.: After Intense National Discussion, a Heartbreaking Tragedy Results in a Prosecution
A key component in this case appears to be whether George Zimmerman acted in self defense. Self defense is one of many affirmative defenses available under the criminal law, which will, if established, preclude a finding of guilt even if it is proved that the violent, otherwise punishable act took place.
Adam Winkler: Will George Zimmerman Be Convicted?
The news that Florida prosecutors are bringing charges against George Zimmerman for the death of Trayvon Martin raises two questions: Will Zimmerman be convicted? And what role will Florida's "Stand Your Ground" law play in the case?

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