
Friday, April 13, 2012

N. Korea's Weapon Of Mass Dysfunction.. Muslim Bra.. Debate

Friday, April 13, 2012
In the days following Victoria Stafford's disappearance, the man accused of killing her began dating new women and worked on his beat-up car, but he was also obsessively checking the news for updates about the eight-year-old's abduction, court heard Thursday.
North Korean Rocket FAILS After Launch
Outrage Over Canadian Photo Of Muslim Woman's Bra
Redford Runs The Gauntlet
Price War Ahead Between Walmart, Target
Prosecution Faces Big Hurdles In Zimmerman Case
Angelina Chapin: Who Knew There were Breasts Under that Burka?!
I know bras can get people stirred up, but I think we all need to calm down a little over the recent photo of a Muslim woman in a niqab and abaya holding one up. The least we can do as citizens of a country where women are apparently "sexually liberated" is celebrate this photo, perhaps for the very fact it wouldn't be allowed in the Middle East. What kind of a message are we sending about our own country to insinuate this portrait of daily life is "offensive"?
Douglas Anthony Cooper: The Humane Alternative to PETA's Pet Slaughter
2012-04-06-PETAfinalGREEN51.jpgNathan Winograd's No Kill program is the best thing to happen to the world's domesticated animals in my time.
Hilary Rosen: Ann Romney and Working Moms
The only way that Mitt Romney will succeed in closing the wide gender gap between him and President Obama is if he stops pretending that it doesn't exist.
Susanne Hudson: Ask A Realtor: Making an Offer on a "Hot" Property
In a seller's market, many "hot" properties come on the market and often with holdback offers. These homes are usually newly renovated, nicely decorated and have many features that buyers want. How can you get this house?
Jordan Bateman: It's not Like You Get Better Service
Is the lifeguard at the municipal pool really worth twice the pay of the lifeguard at the nearby privately-owned waterslides? The vast majority of B.C. taxpayers say no. Yet, we see this inequality constantly play out throughout the government. Why are taxpayers overpaying for government labour?

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