Thursday, April 12, 2012

Lakota Wisdom, Meditation And Running, Radical Blasphemy Laws

Thursday, April 12, 2012
The word wisdom is used frequently every day, whether it is spoken and heard or written and read. Yet it is debatable, in my opinion, if most of us know what it is. In most dictionaries it is defined as "the quality or state of being wise, sagacious, discerning and insightful."
5 Tips For Running With The
Mind Of Meditation
Kuwait Makes Move Towards Radical Blasphemy Law
Muslim Growth Is Good For Muslim Businesses, Marketing
Holocaust Violins That Outlived Their Owners Play Another Song
What Counts As Legitimate Scientific Research On Prayer?
Rainn Wilson: The Titanic's Forgotten "Survivor"
One hundred years ago the "unsinkable" Titanic sank into the North Atlantic. The tragedy has made for some epic storytelling. One of the most extraordinary stories is that of a 68-year-old Persian who wasn't, it turns out, actually on the ill-fated vessel, but was supposed to be.
Ross Murray: Where Are the Pro-LGBT Religious Voices in Mainstream Media?
With all this support among religious people, why don't Americans get to hear LGBT-affirming messages from some of them? They are crowded out by the same extreme voices over and over again.
Greg Carey: Praying With Kids: An Interview With Rev. Rachel Hackenberg
Elementary-aged children are still learning but are not yet fully accustomed to "church language," so their prayers are not encumbered by doubt over using the right church words.
Abraham H. Foxman: Revisiting Anti-Zionism and Anti-Semitism
In the ongoing discussion about when criticism of Israel can be labeled as anti-Semitism, Nathan Sharansky said that it's anti-Semitism when Israel is demonized, when Israel is delegitimized and when a double-standard is used to assess Israeli behavior.
Jack Gordon: Faith in Action DC: Rabbi Bruce Lustig of Washington Hebrew Congregation (VIDEO)
Rabbi Bruce Lustig shares a lesson from the Passover story regarding the imperative to work for social justice for all God's children, and how young people in his community at his congregation are taking this to the next level.

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