The young monarch was adorned with Bhutan's Raven Crown in 2008, after his father Jigme Singye Wangchuck abdicated the throne, inheriting a Himalayan nation of nearly 700,000 that had just made the transition to democracy. In Bhutan, he goes by the affectionate moniker of “The People's King.” In Thailand, he's been dubbed “Prince Charming.”
The king looked pleased at the announcement of his wedding, which, according to media reports, will take place in October. “People might think that my queen should be highly educated, beautiful and the best of the best,” he said, grinning. “Jetsun Pema is a kind-hearted girl who is very supportive and whom I can trust. I cannot say how she might appear to the people, but to me, she is the one.” Not just “the one,” but the only one, it seems. Lucky girl. The king's father was married to four sisters.
Thursday, October 13, 2011
Bhutan Royal Wedding
Move over, Will and Kate! In a dazzling ceremony, which made the Western tradition of white wedding dress look quite boring (I mean, come on, just take a look at those shoes!), the fifth Dragon King of Bhutan, King Jigme Khesar Namgyel Wangchuck married his commoner bride Jetsun Pema: