Saturday, June 25, 2011

Second ‘Apollo 18′ Trailer Still Holding On to the Mystery

If you thought the first Apollo 18 trailer gave away too much about what the American astronauts found on their secret moon mission, then this trailer is for you. It shows far less of what is going on, all while playing up the imminent moon doom for the NASA’s best and brightest. There’s no more historical setup, no more “This Footage Has Not Been Altered” messages, just a few shots of two astronauts who land on the moon, then find trouble. It’s very Paranormal Activity in its desire to keep you in the dark. And it’s probably for the best, as the less we know about this oft-delayed project, the better. See for yourself after the jump.

To the history books Apollo 17 was NASA’s last Apollo mission, but an undocumented and covert operation to the moon was made by Apollo 18, which revealed disturbing evidence of new life forms.

Apollo 18 is due in theaters September 2, 2011.

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