The second intallment of the Sex and the City movie franchise finds the lovely foursome of Carrie (Sarah Jessica Parker), Charlotte (Kristin Davis), Miranda (Cynthia Nixon), and Samantha (Kim Cattrall) all back in New York City two years after the first movie ended. Each lady’s life has supposedly continued on status quo until–uh-oh! All four suddenly have huge issues happening all at the same time! Get out your warm water and honey, SJP, because it’s time for some voice-overs. Miranda has a new boss who is threatened by her as a successful woman, so she quits her job. Charlotte is reaching her breaking point as a mother with two toddlers. Samantha is going through menopause. And Carrie? Well, Carrie’s fairy-tale marriage to Big (Chris Noth) is becoming too dull for her, and she’s yearning for her single days. Just in time, Samantha has snagged a trip for four to Abu Dhabi–all expenses paid! So off the four fly to Abu Dhabi, where Carrie just happens to run into Aiden Shaw (John Corbett), an ex-fiance. Hijinx and melodrama ensue.
What I liked most and least about this film is the fact that it’s simply an extended episode of the show. The over-the-top nature of the first movie carried over to the second both in wardobe and setting. Not that one would expect anything less from the creators and stars of Sex and the City. As always, costume designer Patricia Field had the ladies decked out in the best, trendiest, and most unique digs that the world can offer. Filmed both in New York City and Abu Dhabi, the set locations were both familiar and strange, giving the viewers a new way to see their favorite characters. Everything that anyone can love about the show is there. The fabulous lives of four successful New York women as played out live, just like in every woman’s fantasies. And of course the shoes. Oh, the shoes. Any girl can appreciate that. It’s simply good entertainment.
On the downside is the predictibility. Within the first 10 minutes, Carrie makes a statement that tells everyone in the audience exactly what’s going to happen. It’s not even subtle. That made sitting through the rest of the movie kind of…boring. Aside from location, there’s nothing new or totally different to set the movie apart from the HBO series–nothing to make it a stand-alone movie. I think anyone who watched the first movie without watching the series was probably able to follow the story, but had no reason to care about any of the characters. The same is true for this one. Anyone can see it, but had I just walked into the franchise at this point, I wouldn’t find myself interested in the lives of these four women. It’s lucky for the studio that the show has maintained such a huge following, thanks in part to running in syndication on TBS.
Overal I give the movie a solid B. It is a fun, entertaining chick flick, enjoyable to any girl who has ever watched the series. It’s a fun popcorn movie to enjoy with all the girlfriends you haven’t seen in a while but don’t want to exert the energy to actually talk with. For diehard fans of the show, I would suggest waiting for the DVD release. Watch some reruns on TV in the meantime, and you’ll basically see the same thing.
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