Sunday, May 15, 2011

Mexico – The History Of The Mighty Historic Aztec Empire

The indigenous influence in Mexico and the countries and areas surrounding it is instrumental to its history, much like here in the US. There are still mighty ancient cities standing, people are still speaking the ancient languages, and much ancient art is still on display around Mexico. The culture in modern Mexico is still so saturated with that of ancient indigenous people, and they are very proud of their heritage and for good reason. The ancient sites rival those of anywhere else in the world. If you ever make your way into Mexico or Central America, definitely take the time to stop and see these sites. Before you do, you will have to get an urgent passport or US passport card first.

Passport cards are a relatively new addition to the world of travel documents, and you will see just how convenient they are. Not only are they much cheaper than passports at only $45. The passport card differs from the regular passport book in that it can only be used for certain areas and only if you decide to drive or take a boat in. If you go by plane, you will have to use the regular book. Also, it can only be used to travel to Mexico, Canada, Bermuda, and the Caribbean. It’s also very easy to apply for an online USA passport, which means you will not have to travel anywhere to apply for one.

The borders of modern-day Mexico encompass an area that once included both the Aztec and Maya empires. The capital city of Mexico – Mexico City – is actually the exact location of the ancient Aztec Capital city of Tenochtitlan. In the middle of Mexico City is the ruins of what was the famous Templo Mayor. They’ve only recently excavated it, and new things are still being discovered all the time. That being said, it’s probably one of the most important locations in all of the empire, making it a very important stop if you are interested in the indigenous heritage.

Teotihuacan is a very important and very famous Aztec ruin. The Aztecs believed that this was the place where the universe was created by the gods, and it contains some of the largest monuments in the world. The famous Pyramid of the Sun, the third largest pyramid in the world, is located here. The city itself is bigger than Rome. The main thoroughfare is called the Avenue of the Dead, and the Pyramid of the Moon sits at one end, while the Citadel is at the other. Definitely be sure to also see the Temple of Quetzalcoatl, which features feathered serpents in the stone.

Cholula is just a little ways outside of Mexico City. This particular city and the people who lived there were instrumental in Aztec history, making a very important appearance when a massacre orchestrated by Cortes took place here on his way with the conquistadors to Tenochtitlan.

When you travel to Mexico, you will see just how important Aztec history was to the formation of Mexico. Just don’t forget to get your urgent U S passport before you go. Do yourself a favor and apply for an online U S passport. Online passport services take all the stress out of the process.

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