Sunday, May 1, 2011

Lara Logan Speaks Out About Assault In Egypt: 'They Raped Me With Their Hands' (VIDEO)

CBS correspondent Lara Logan is speaking out for the first time since her brutal sexual assault in Egypt.

Logan was attacked by a mob near Cairo's Tahrir Square on Feb. 11, the day that President Hosni Mubarak was finally driven from power. At the time, CBS News issued a statement saying that she "suffered a brutal and sustained sexual assault and beating before being saved by a group of women and an estimated 20 Egyptian soldiers." Her attack reverberated around the world and highlighted the dangers of sexual assault and harassment that women face while reporting.

In interviews with "60 Minutes" and the New York Times which were released on Thursday, Logan described what happened when the mob surrounded her.

"Our camera battery went down, and we had to stop for a moment, and suddenly, Bahar [the Egyptian cameraman] looks at me and says, 'we've got to get out of here,'" she told CBS' Scott Pelley. "I thought, not only am I going to die here, but it's going to be just a torturous death that's going to go on forever and ever and ever."

Logan told the Times that the attack lasted for 40 minutes and involved 200 to 300 men.

"For an extended period of time, they raped me with their hands," she said. "My clothes were torn to pieces...what really struck me was how merciless they were. They really enjoyed my pain and suffering. It incited them to more violence."

She said she wrote the statement disclosing what happened to her in Februrary because it “didn’t leave me to carry the burden alone, like my dirty little secret, something that I had to be ashamed of.”

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