Sunday, April 3, 2011
James Taylor "That Singular Place"—Carnegie Hall, 1 of 9
James Taylor returns to Carnegie Hall to host four programs during his 2011 Carnegie Hall Perspectives series. In these concerts, he celebrates Carnegie Hall's 120th anniversary (Gala, April 12); revisits his musical roots with some of his musician friends (Roots, April 20); shares his love for his instrument of choice, the guitar (Guitar Conversations, May 6); and showcases his greatest hits with his band (Quintessential James Taylor and His Band, May 9).
During the next six weeks, we present a series of nine exclusive videos in which James Taylor shares his thoughts on every aspect of his life as a performer.
Here, Taylor explains what the Perspectives series means to him, and recalls what it meant for him to make his Carnegie Hall debut at the age of 22 in 1970.
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