Monday, March 7, 2011
Richard Hatch: 'Celebrity Apprentice's' boardroom, 'Survivor' strategy
There's no arguing that "Survivor's" Season 1 winner and current "Celebrity Apprentice" contender, Richard Hatch, may feel totally at home swimming with the sharks. He seems to love challenging how far he can take others.
Even after spending three years in jail for tax evasion, Hatch is due to return to court later this year for violating the terms of his release by not filing a tax form. Now, that's brazen.
In "The Celebrity Apprentice" premiere, Richard seemed to play his game with the goal of making sure Donald Trump was aware of his presence. When his team met to decide who would be project manager, Richard volunteered quickly and made it clear he would always be up for the role when available.
If we were to cross-apply his game playing from "Survivor," the former corporate trainer displayed a good deal of understanding of how people would behave and always tried to be the person manipulating how his alliances would work with everyone being on a "need to know" basis.
Was he establishing himself as a tough leader when he gave very little consideration to his teammates? Was he manipulating the boardroom full of men when he was basically emasculating David Cassidy by calling him "sensitive" and "delicate"? We think so.
How long do you think Richard will last? Do you think he should have gone before David Cassidy?
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