Friday, March 25, 2011
Jersey Shore Season 4: Italy Best Jersey Shore Season Yet?
The Jersey Shore Season 3 finale is airing right now on MTV, and fans are waiting in complete anticipation of Jersey Shore Season 4. The cast heads to Italy in Jersey Shore Season 4, and we can’t wait to see what kind of craz antics go down over there. Fist pump. Do people do the whole GTL thing in Italy?
Despite their previous encounters with the law, Snooki and Ronnie will both be present for Jersey Shore Season 4 in Italy.
Though we aren’t quite sure what exactly will go down in Season 4, it looks as though the romance between Sammi and Ronnie will still be going strong. Those two just can’t seem to get enough of each other, even though they are a total hot mess!
Are you excited for Jersey Shore Season 4 in Italy?
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