Monday, March 28, 2011
Best April Fools Day Pranks Pulled By Celebs
Later this week, we’ll be celebrating April Fool’s Day 2011, and so you can expect some celebrity pranks for sure!
The first recorded incident of April 1st and foolery is in Chaucer’s Canterbury Tales, however, just where the origin of the holiday comes from is really unknown. April Fool’s Day is simple enough for all of us to participate in – play a fun prank or two on friends or family.
Celebs are always full of mischief and looking for fun – here are some really funny celeb pranks that have taken place over the past years. Enjoy!
Do you ever watch the TV show The Soup? Host Joel McHale is continuously mocking American Idol’s Ryan Seacrest as part of his comedy show. As reported by The Examiner, Last April Fool’s Day, McHale somehow managed to shut down and hacked into Ryan Seacrest’s Twitter account! He even replaced Ryan’s photos to ones of himself and tweeted, “Anyone know how to bake cookies?”
Last year there was another April Fool’s Day prank on Twitter. Singer Joe Jonas decide to fake out his fans by saying that he broke his leg.
Justin Bieber also joined in on pranks last April 1st. On the very funny website Funny or Die, a message was posted that said: ”Justin Bieber has decided to buy Funny or Die and do with it whatever his tiny little heart desires.” A video clip featuring Bieber shows the singer saying, “I’m a star. I do what stars do. I ride on yachts. I autograph lady lumps. And I pay people to slap them.”
Looking for a good fight? Back in 2006 Tom Arnold appeared on the popular TV show The Best Damn Sports Show, and faked a fight with sports legend Michael Strahan. Strahan started the “fight” by wrestling with Arnold…who then tackled Strahan to the ground. Strahan screamed out in pain and clutched his shoulder. The cast members weren’t even in on the prank, and they tried to stop it! Even the media didn’t know it was a prank and were reporting it as news!
Popular Los Angeles radio station KROQ, an alternative music station, has in the past celebrated April Fool’s Day by playing pop music throughout the day…leaving fans not too happy!
What is the best April Fool’s Day prank you have ever pulled or witnessed?
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