Friday, May 11, 2012

What I Know About Motherhood Now That...

Friday, May 11, 2012
I am a new mother to my first and only daughter. She is what I call our pink caboose, a little sister to three boys ages 9, 8, and 4. Having ridden this motherhood rollercoaster for nearly a decade, I have changed and been changed immensely since the first time I held a newborn of my own in my arms and wondered how on earth I could be entrusted to keep him alive without the aid of a professional. But I can say that I always wanted to have the chance to raise a daughter. It was an opportunity I had always assumed would come my way... Then it didn't. After the birth of my third baby boy, I started to come to terms with the possibility that I might never have a daughter. I was so incredibly blessed to have my brood of boys, and I knew that. My guys showed me the world in a different, sometimes absolutely crazy, but always interesting way. They taught me how to be a mother. They taught me how I wanted to mother.

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While Where The Wild Things Are isn't meant to be about autism, I think it has a special resonance for my son, as well as for other children who have difficulty communicating.

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