Friday, May 11, 2012

Turn Setbacks Into Success.. The 70-Year-Old Virgin.. The Story Behind Fleetwood Mac's 'Rumours'

Friday, May 11, 2012
Who remembers when Bob Dylan's first album came out? This month marks the 50th anniversary of the album Bob Dylan -- and to celebrate Life books is putting out a new book on Dylan, Forever Young: 50 Years of Song.
Author Rick Newman On How To Turn Setbacks Into Success
My Mother's Day Fantasy (And The Reality)
Sex, Drugs and The Making Of Fleetwood Mac's 'Rumours' (PHOTOS)
What Inspires Me About My Mom's Generation
The 70-Year-Old Virgin
Barbara Hannah Grufferman: 5 Tips for Becoming Fearless After 50
How can we ignore the noise from the media about how "younger is better" and stay on course? How can we stop fearing (and fighting) the aging process and learn to embrace it?
Ruth Neubauer: Women and Retirement
"Retirement" is no longer limited to meaning "the rest of my life of non-working," since we live longer and have a great deal of vitality and energy at fifty, sixty, seventy, eighty and beyond.
David Macaray: Everything Began in the 1950s
Portraying the '50s as intellectually stunted not only misses the point, it wildly misrepresents what really happened. Not only was the decade not an era of mindless conformity, it was the diametric opposite.
Jim Higley: Mom's Stopping by for Mother's Day -- 37 Years After Her Death
Mom didn't just grocery shop; she'd buy entire cows from the local farmer. She didn't just bake; she'd have mornings where she would produce chocolate chip cookies by the hundreds.
Penny Love Hoff: 50 Shades of Grey Hair
I read two books recently: 50 Shades of Grey and The Wisdom of Menopause. One reminded me of what it felt like to be young and in heat and the other advised me on the heat to come.

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