Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Exodus Over 'Lifestyle Statement', Psalm And Evil, Holy Music

Wednesday, May 16, 2012
Michael Wilson, an openly gay librarian at Shorter University, signed the university's amended contract after crossing out the "lifestyle statement" requiring all employees to reject, amongst other practices, homosexuality.
Syrian Christians Live In Uneasy Alliance With Bashar Assad
Psalm 1: Putting Evil In Its Place
Legion Of Christ Rocked By Another Priest Scandal
WATCH: Church Sues Oregon Family For Bad Review
University Drops Entire Student Health Plan Over Birth Control Rule
Arianna Huffington: My Conversation With the Dalai Lama: The Convergence of Science and Spirituality (Part 2) (VIDEO)
Since 1987, the Dalai Lama has been organizing dialogues between scientists and Buddhist thinkers on a range of subjects, from physics and astronomy to empathy and compassion. "These are times," he says, "when destructive emotions like anger, fear and hatred are giving rise to devastating problems throughout the world. But I believe we have a valuable opportunity to make progress in dealing with them, through a collaboration between religion and science." When the two come together, the result is the cultivation of connection -- of empathy and compassion. At the heart of this approach is the Buddhist belief in the mutability of consciousness -- the idea that we can, through certain practices, change our inner being. "It means that the cultivation of loving-kindness can over a period diminish the force of hate in the mind," he explains.
Kristin M. Swenson, Ph.D.: The Power of Music: Holiness Hitches a Ride
I feel bad for the psalms. Their music, the tunes supposed to accompany them, has been lost to us. Though you may call me sacrilegious, I do not believe that they alone possess sanctifying power.
John Thatamanil: Love as a Public Virtue
Fairness, kindness and love seem like ethereal notions empty of force in a world of power politics and free wheeling capitalism. Those who seek to order public life by "the soft" private virtue of love are said to be naïve or downright foolish.
David Beckmann: Caring for Poor People: Should the Church Do It Alone?
It's time for members of Congress to say they're going to do their part and support legislation that creates a circle of protection around programs that are vital to hungry and poor people.
Rick Lowery, Ph.D.: The Bible and Marriage Equality
How do we decide what to keep and what to ignore when we use Scripture to make moral judgments? Why would we say that it's an "abomination" for a man to lie with a man, but it's OK to wear a wool-blend suit, have a tattoo or eat hybrid fruit?

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